2 November 2011

Justin Bieeeeberrrrrr

If you don't get the title, then watch the video fools....

OK, so yes I haven't blogged in ages, but i have uni, work, life, not being a boring fat computer geek commitments to attend to.

However when I saw this vid I knew it was blog worthy, So eeeerrrrveryone loves the Jay-Z and Kayne West album, (although Kayne is a nob cheese) HOWEVER Jay-Z should  a done a album with JB by the looks of it!! he can actually rap quite well (unlike his GF Selena Gomez who tried a poor attempt of Minaj's 'Super Bass')!

So yer basically look at this video of JB doing his thang on Jay-Z and Kayne's 'Otis'.

For some reason I couldn't put the video up :S so here is the link below :


I have also (to keep this blog slightly fashion-like) included a photo of a new leather look and haircut Justin has recently donned.... questionable.... too much leather YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH LEATHER!!!

Peace y'all (expect my friend Lily... as she hates it when I say 'Peace')

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